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Our priorities

Working together as Greater North Kent, we want to add value to what we and others are doing individually, looking beyond both geographic and organisational boundaries.

Swale industry

Learning and skills

Raising the skills of the resident workforce and creating a strong ‘pipeline’ of well-trained people entering the jobs market.

Health and wellbeing

Improving residents’ physical and mental health and wellbeing, with particular emphasis on tackling health inequalities.

Culture and creativity

Enhancing the experience of residents and visitors to North Kent, supporting opportunities for creative enterprises to locate and thrive in North Kent and building social cohesion and positive perceptions of the area through its cultural offer.


Sustainable place-making supported by high quality infrastructure that addresses existing needs as well as jobs- and infrastructure-led growth.


Ensuring that actions in pursuit of these priorities help respond to the climate emergency and contribute towards achievement of net zero carbon.